Slides of a Few Research Presentations



A new I1-based hyperelastic model for rubber elastic materials (Society of Engineering Science Meeting 2011)


The two-potential constitutive framework for finite viscoelasticity: Theoretical aspects & application to elastomers (ASME IMECE 2016)


The nonlinear elastic response of suspensions of rigid inclusions in rubber (SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science 2013)


Modelling the mechanics and physics of elastomeric composites from the bottom up (Seminar, Michelin 2022)


Elastomers filled with liquid inclusions: Theory and some basic results (European Solid Mechanics Conference 2022)


Nonlinear electroelastic deformations of dielectric elastomer composites (International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2016)


A general result for the magnetoelastic response of isotropic suspensions of iron and ferrofluid particles in rubber, with applications to spherical and cylindrical specimens (European Solid Mechanics Conference 2018)


Nucleation and propagation of fracture and healing in elastomers: A phase-transition theory and numerical implementation (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Seminar, Northwestern University 2018)


The fracture of everything (brittle), with applications to the indentation of glass and the stretching of rubber (Seminar, Institut Jean le Rond ∂’Alembert 2022)


Last modified in 2024